Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Picture!

I got an email today from the LDS missionaries stationed on base. They told me they got to spend some time with Matt on Sunday. They sent me his address again and I got something else wrong. So here is the correct address again. The change is PSC, not TSC:

AB Beach, Matthew A.
324 TRS / FLT 692 - Dorm B-8
PSC #3
1320 Truemper Street
Lackland AFB, TX 78236-5570

Also, they sent me a few pictures- one of the chapel, one of the bridge at the entrance of the base, and a picture of my husband smiling! I cried when I saw that picture. A lot. Its so good to see him, especially smiling, because I've been so concerned with how he is doing. A smile is a lot better than the grimace I've been picturing.

And he's still hot even without his hair! Sigh. There are still 7 weeks until I get to see him. By then, I'll be in my 2nd trimester! Wow.

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