Thursday, June 10, 2010


Matt arrived back in Korea 2.5 weeks ago. He had the pleasure of working for 3 days before he had a weekend- but it was Memorial day, so he got it off, and then the base was given an extra day off that was considered a 'family day' for other bases but just a day off for this base because no one has family with them.

But! Matt ended up getting pretty sick on Monday and by Tuesday night was throwing up. He went to sick call and was quartered to his rooms for 48 hours. By the time he went back to work on friday he had had 29 days off, 3 days on, 6 days off and 1 day on. Then it was the weekend again with another 2 days off. Pretty nice work schedule, huh?

So far he has been plugging away at his CDCs (the program that he has to finish before he'll get a higher experience level) and working on inventorying the fire extinguishers. He has also been concentrating on exercizing because his physical tests are coming up in a few weeks and he's not doing as well as they want him to be doing on his push-ups and sit-ups.

He is looking forward to going on another tour around Korea in the next few weeks as well as the weather getting nicer and being able to spend more time outside on a regular basis.

He is excited about the fact that he's more than halfway done with the nightmare of being away from home. He's been gone (with basic, tech school and Korea) for 9 and a half months and only has about 7 left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE that you have this blog. My husband is at Lackland for BMT right now. It's been 6 weeks, and I have never felt so alone. He missed our first wedding anniversary. I believe I have received 4 letters form him and 3 phone calls since he left.

I enjoyed reading your husband's letters because he added a few details and terminology that I have not heard from my husband. However, many things your husband said are IDENTICAL to what mine is telling me right now. It's great to hear someone else going through this and doing so well. I am so proud of and happy for your family.

I so appreciated the videos too as I will be heading out there in about two weeks to watch my husband go through graduation.

Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made to support our wonderful nation. Oh, and your girls are absolutely adorable! :)